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Passiflora 'Eynsford Gem'. Pyramid

The Passiflora 'Eynsford Gem' is a fast growing semi-evergreen climber with the most beautiful exotic flowers produced in succession throughout the summer. Scented  flowers are around 8cm across with pink mauve petals and a centre crown that contains numerous white and purple coronal filaments, 5 greenish-yellow stamens and 3 purple stigmas. 

Pretty dark green glossy leaves are palmately lobed with 5-7 fingers and pale green tendrils. Fruits are egg shaped, green in colour and are edible but a little bland in taste. This showy climber is great for covering walls and trellises in courtyards and city gardens as well as making great container plants for patios, conservatories and greenhouses. Cold hardy, but in freezes it may die back to the ground but will regrow from the roots in spring(will need mulching).


These plants are exceptional quality from specialist growers. Photo 1 shows some of the actual plants in stock now. Please note: Heights stated include pot sizes. 

Click into the "Height" box and price of each plant is shown next to its size. UK delivery is FREE on all our plants.


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PASSIFLORA 'Eynsford Gem'.

SKU: PassionFlEynsfordG10-5
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  • Latin Name: Passiflora 'Eynsford Gem'.

    Common Name: Passion Flower.

    Origin: Brazil. Bolivia.

    Hardiness: Been know to tolerate -5 but will die to the ground to re shoot the following Spring. Will need mulching.

    Growth Characteristics: Fast growing semi-evergreen climber. Large fragrant exotic looking flowers, pink mauve with a fringe of white and purple coronal filaments produced successively through summer. Glossy green palmate leaves with 5-7 lobes. Edible fruit, ovoid in shape and green in colour.   

    Sunlight: Full sun/partial sun.

    Exposure: Sheltered. 

    Soil: Well drained soil.

    Moisture: Water regularly through summer, less in winter, but keep do moist. 

    Feeding: feed once every two weeks in growing season.

  • Available For Delivery Now  


    All palms and plants have been imported with phytosanitary certificates from top quality growers.

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