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Camelia Japonica.

The Camellia Japonica is a densely branched evergreen tree or shrub with an elegant upright form and the most exquisite tropical looking flowers available in a huge range of cultivars.

Showy fragrant flowers can range in colour from pure white through to deep red and can be single, semi double, double,  formal double or a full peony form depending on which cultivar. Between 7-10cm in diameter, they are produced in abundance from early late Winter and well into Spring bringing some well needed colour to the garden when all else has finished floweing or not started yet.

Glossy dark green oval shaped leaves contrast beautifully against these eye catching flowers. These trees are great for any garden as a statement plant whilst also perfect for containers bringing a beautiful tropical look. Hardy throughout most of the UK in an average winter.


These specimens are exceptional quality. Photos 1-5 show some of the actual plants in stock now 2024. Please Note: Heights stated include pot sizes. Click into the "Height" box and price of each plant is shown next to its size. UK delivery is FREE on all our plants.


To PRE-ORDER please contact us: with your requirements or alternatively reserve by choosing 'Manual' payments at checkout (where no payment is taken until just before delivery).


  • Latin Name: Camellia Japonica.

    Common Name: Japanese Camellia. Common Camellia

    Origin: Japan. Soutern Asia. China. Korea

    Hardiness: -5 degrees. New buds may need protecting from early frosts.

    Growth Characteristics: Evergreen densely branched tree. Fragrant exotic looking flowers, with fluted petals being from pure white to deep red. Flower can be single or double depending on cultivar. Flowers late Winter to mid Spring. Glossy dark green oval leaves.   

    Sunlight: Full sun partial shade.

    Exposure: Sheltered from cold winds. 

    Soil: Fertile. Well drained soil.

    Moisture: Water regularly through Summer. Water less in Winter.

    Feeding: Feed early Spring with an ericaceous fertiliser.

  • Available For Delivery Now 2024.


    All palms have been imported with phytosanitary certificates from top quality growers.

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